Ultra Narrow Frame model High Brightness 5mm frame design. Display full page pictures&Videos games, better viewing experience. what’s more, Because of 5mm frame, this model could free splice as different combinations with different sizes.
Unit Size: 32/43/49/55/65inch
Multi-screen Splice (Vertical/Horizontal)

Ultra Thin body design suitable for commercial fashion areas with glasses windows.
windows high brightness is displaying ads same time, it’ll be a part of overall decorations.
Tickness 5.5cm and optional tempered glass. Sizes: 32/43/49/55/65inch

Full Screen Model sizes 75 86 98 110inch high brightness digital signage.
Support windows embedded, and stand installation.

Double-Sided Screen High brightness Digital Signage supports embeded and standing installation.
Regular size: 43/49/55/65 inch